PDF version of the book titled "Dragonflight: A Guide to the Bosses of the Forgotten Experiments

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After the players have demonstrated that they have mastered the Amalgamation Chamber's challenges, they will be granted access to the location that is home to the Forgotten Experiments

After the players have demonstrated that they have mastered the Amalgamation Chamber's challenges, they will be granted access to the location that is home to the Forgotten Experiments.

The very first boss that the player will face off against is called Neldris, and her melee attacks, which are given an additional boost by Infused Strikes, are extremely dangerous. This effect stacks with other effects that have a similar function and grants him the ability to deal additional arcane damage with each of his melee attacks. When a player who is affected by the condition known as Infused Strikes comes into contact with another player, the latter player is subject to an Infused Explosion and loses all of their applications as a result. Because Infused Strikes are the primary tank mechanic that are utilized by all of the bosses, it will be necessary for the tank to carefully manage this mechanic throughout the entirety of the battle. This will be necessary because Infused Strikes are the primary tank mechanic that are utilized by all of the bosses. Because the detonation of an Infused Explosion at an inopportune moment can cause the death of players who have a low amount of health, healers have a responsibility to be aware of when tanks are about to clear their dot.


After using her ability Enduring Charge on more than one of the other players, Neldris will proceed to charge between the other players in the group


  1. There are a number of different ways that the effect can be magnified

  2. Players who are the targets of Rending Charge are required to either remain still and give other players the opportunity to move out of the way, or they are required to move to one of the predetermined locations in order to prevent other players from being hit

  3. The ultimate ability that Neldris will use is called Bellowing Roar, and it deals damage to all players that is of an arcane nature

  4. Players should give top priority to using their defensive capabilities and save their movement capabilities for use in this cast in the event that they are unable to escape Neldris in a timely manner

  5. It is the responsibility of healers, once the spell has been completely cast, to monitor the health of other players and keep an eye on anyone who is closer to Neldris

When Thadrion finally becomes accessible, it will still be necessary for tanks to carefully manage both the infused strikes and the infused explosions that they use. When the energy is removed, it will explode, dealing arcane damage to any players who are within 16 yards of the explosion. This will be represented by a large circle, and in order to avoid taking damage, all of the players should move as far away from it as quickly as they can. This dot will remain in its current location forever.

His next ability is called Volatile Spew, and it grants him the power to create arcane globules that fall to the ground around him in the surrounding area. The swirls point in the direction that the globules will eventually settle, so pay attention to where they are pointing. The moment these swirls appear on the screen, the players should immediately move out of the way so as not to get caught in their path. The ultimate ability that Thadrion possesses is called Violent Eruption, and it inflicts arcane damage on all players once every second for eight seconds.

Rionthus, while he was inside the tank, imitated the actions of Thadrion and Neldris by utilizing the exact same tank mechanics. In order for the Infused Strikes to be effective, it is imperative that Tanks respond to them in the same manner that they did to the Strikes that were dealt out by the previous bosses.

Rionthus can utilize a wide variety of different Evoker abilities to engage in combat with other players. These abilities are at his disposal. As soon as the spell has been completely cast, he will immediately start flying across the laboratory while throwing molten cinders down below him. This will continue until the spell has been completely cast. Every 0 second, the volcano will deal damage to any players that he walks through as long as they are in its path. As soon as he reaches the opposite side of the room, he will pause for a moment, shift his focus to a new part of the room, and then cast Deep Breath once more. Because the players' lives are in serious jeopardy if they are unable to escape Deep Breath quickly, it is an absolute necessity for them to leave the area as soon as they possibly can. Rionthus will be granted a shield that will protect him from damage equal to 5% of his maximum health if he comes into contact with the anomaly. This shield will activate if he comes into contact with the anomaly. This shield will continue to function for him for as long as he maintains contact with the strange phenomenon.


Players have an obligation to prevent this from reaching the boss because the massive absorb shield has the potential to cause them to lose everything they've worked for


- Players have an obligation to prevent this from reaching the boss

- During the duration of this ability, he will select a number of enemies and concentrate Spellfrost damage on each of them once per second for three seconds

- The duration of the cooldown for this ability is three seconds

- Those who come into contact with the magic are subject to its ongoing effect, which causes them to lose thirty percent of their normal movement speed and causes them to deal spellfrost damage to other players within five yards of them once per second for a period of sixteen seconds

Remarkable Alterations

When playing the game on the Heroic difficulty setting, dispelling Thadrion's Unstable Essence has an additional effect. This effect only occurs when the game is being played on that setting. When Thadrion casts Violent Eruption, all Erratic Remnants will also deal arcane damage to all players every second. This effect will last for the duration of the spell. This effect will remain for the entirety of the time that the spell is active. This effect will last for the entirety of the time that the spell is cast and will continue to have an effect. As a consequence of this, the fight will be more difficult for the players because they will have to deal with the abilities of two different bosses, which may result in some undesirable overlaps of abilities. The players will face increased difficulty as a result of this development in the conflict.

The next significant adjustment is that the bleeding effect that is brought on by Neldris' Rending Charge can now be considered to be permanent. This is the outcome of the next significant adjustment that was made. Certain classes, such as the Mage, will have the capability to staunch the bleeding, thanks to abilities like their Ice Block ability. Dwarves, on the other hand, have access to the Stoneform ability, which enables them to heal themselves and stop any bleeding that may be occurring.

Following the completion of this modification, the Temporal Anomaly of Rionthus will subsequently be subject to change. Because of this, every single one of the blows that they take from the Temporal Anomaly have a multiplier effect of 100 applied to them.
