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While we all have many of the same items in our homes, our approach to cleaning and organizing is unique. Each worksheet lays out the tasks and provides simple instructions to gather, sort, and store. However, how you approach each step and when you do one room or another is completely up to you. When my kitchen needs attention, sometimes I tackle one drawer. Sometimes, I spend an afternoon pulling out every item from the cupboards and drawers to clean and re-organize.
It’s just fifteen minutes. You can use it or waste it every day. Plus, it adds up. If you used 15 minutes a day productively for 365 days, you would have over 90 hours of time you put to good use throughout the year. That is equal to eleven 8-hour work days! In 15 minutes, you can shred papers. You can create sorting labels for your next organization project. You can organize one drawer. You can sort a stack of papers. You can deliberately sit down, close your eyes, breath, and rest. Or you can watch dog or cat videos. There is nothing wrong with being unproductive if you are choosing to rest and recharge. However, you can also start a load of laundry before starting dinner to tackle two things at once. How can you be more effective without exhausting yourself? I try to get as much done in the kitchen as I can while I wait for dinner to cook. I routinely wash dishes as I prepare dinner to have fewer dishes after we eat. I don’t enjoy cooking or doing dishes, so I try to be as efficient as possible.
I organized this book to provide easy access to any worksheet by checking the Table of Contents. Each worksheet was designed to give you the necessary information without the burden of excessive reading. I specifically designed the worksheets to be effective, and they are most definitely not works of art. The worksheets are guides to help you increase the organization of your home, help interior spaces function more smoothly, and reduce your workload.
Chapter 10 includes home organization worksheets for all areas of your home. Chapters 11 and 12 provide worksheets to tackle downsizing and moving. These topics are included because moving is going to be necessary at some point.