Where is the service platform for small hidden tracking devices?

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small hidden tracking devices https://www.eelinktracker.com/Magnetic-GPS-Tracker/

small hidden tracking devices can realize the role of vehicle positioning, monitoring and management. More and more car owners use locators to locate their vehicles in real time on the location service platform, in order to prevent the loss of vehicle property.

So where is the location service platform for small hidden tracking devices?

The GPS location service platform does not refer to a real platform, but a virtual location service platform where users can query vehicle conditions on the Internet. The platform allows users to query the location data of the vehicle and the status of the vehicle. Each company's platform is different, some of which are created by itself, and some of which are created in collaboration with other companies. But the GPS platform is used in much the same way.

PC platform: Users only need to search for immediate positioning on the PC side, find the official website for immediate positioning, and enter the device account password on the home page to enter the positioning service platform to monitor the vehicle.

Mobile platform: Users can also directly download the instant positioning mobile APP, or search for instant positioning wechat public number, and can directly perform positioning control on the mobile phone.

What if I don't have an account on either platform?

A: If you do not have a platform login account and password, you can also find the "I want to experience" button on the platform to experience some of the functions of the platform.

A: When you buy a small hidden tracking device, you can ask the seller if there is a corresponding platform. If you can use that platform. If not, you can find another reliable platform and sign an access agreement. Or if you don't want to use a small hidden tracking device vendor's platform, sign up for an open license and then find your preferred platform to access.

small hidden tracking devices https://www.eelinktracker.com/Magnetic-GPS-Tracker/
